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Category Archives: Meeting

Notes from meet-ups and notices of meetings

WellSpring LX ~ Consonance

Arriving delighted, awakening, in-over, adjusting, fruiting, inquiring how are you, asked of humanity, how are we, asked within humanity, how is our humanity, asked with humanity, understanding the question, conditions for its answering, ability to receive the answer, existential answerings, conditioned by their asking, eliciting another’s experience, discovering phenomenologically, who were you, what feels you,

WellSpring LIX ~ Generosity

Arriving appreciatively, gentling, wondering, gently, patient – asking about true generosity, being generous as freely giving, generosity as a sense of heart-space-holding, giving with unconditionality, timing and patience in generous giving, holding the seeds, right moment finding, contributive not dissipative, seeds invasive, untended gardens, larger than me-ness, larger than we-ness, the us-ness of generosity, not

WellSpring LVIII ~ When

Arriving refreshed, softly, queasy, looking, busy, bearded. The when of practice occurring, the practice instruction, the practice break, the daily intention, the occasional revisiting, all orientations providing opportunity, awarenessing of practice possibility, setting aside the boxing and aside setting, in the anticipation of doing, when is curiosity not occurring, being as less doing of, a

WellSpring LVII ~ Resiliency

Arriving enamoured, bristling, aching, brimming, prosplendent, mourning. Embodied trichotomies, grounding alignment, holding inside and outside, disharmonic convergences, longer perspectives, holding true importance, quality of resiliency, looking at a situation, looking from trichotomy, as condition, suffering and forbearance, presence and enrichment, not a part from the outcome, a part of the outcome, a witnessing of the

WellSpring LIV ~ Seeding

Arriving fragmented, reveling & blooming, fudging it, in transit; reaffirming a historic truth no matter what the conditions is a ‘conditioning’ condition; the meaning made of ‘the conditions’ determines what is considered as ‘conducive’ next; the journey of our life trajectory has a momentum to reinforce itself remaining itself; the uniqueness of our respective becoming

WellSpring LIII ~ Preparation

Arriving boyant, grateful, peaceful, unsettled, appreciative, gently, coloured; reflection and preparation, laying down a path while walking, looking forward to territory changing, capacity build by doing, preparation for future reflection, where is our attention in the experiencing, anticipating the learning, for the learner who is coming, attuning to the future dynamics, less than predictive, more

WellSpring LII ~ Extending

Arriving joyfully, committed, muted and grounded, seeking expectantly happily, exhilarated, heart-warmed, resonant, honouring qualities, extending self, letting go, gratitude for opportunity, stability in extension, body acceptance, humanity resonance, conditions for receiving, opening happening, holding the quietude, open to a calling for, strengthening the container, remediating the dissolution of the uncontained, vigilience with no rush to

WellSpring LI ~ Practicing

Arriving frazzled, open, strangely spritely, multi-tasked, with awake-fullness. Practice(s) sitting within practice, doing in, with, ‘as’, complimenting together, separately or separately together, aligning as lenses for minding the mindful, influencing contributively distinctively, within a holding of practicing, at differing scales, a Humanity level healing, where scale is scaled by holding an intention, in self that

WellSpring L ~ Thresholding

Arriving quietly, multi-facetedly, gently-smiling, sanguinely, wondering. Different seasons, different energies, daily flows, river flows, tidal flows, standing ready, thresholding, simple next choices, determining of flows of choosing, tipping over the edge of a new doing, teetering into new beginnings, tarot humility, temporary reflection, swirling waters, imaginary conflicts, naive fresh beginnings, equinoxial murmurings, humans looking for

WellSpring XLIX ~ Naming

Arriving as: muffled, pioneering, surprised, ruffled, phlemy, jittery. What is it that ‘naming’ and labeling does to our exploring – of what appears to be known and what may be limiting our unknowing? A tree alone standing, a sentry of past magnificence that has been recently rediscovered as essential for our community. A tension in

A History of WellSpring ~ Four Years On

The July 2015 WellSpring marks the fourth year of continuous meeting of our community in that practice modality. This monthly-get-together has become a useful habit, providing a place to re-nourish the community, and as a result, the participants equally. On this occasion it is timely to recall the origins of this meeting practice and the history

WellSpring XLVIII ~ Service

Arriving as invigorated, happy, breathing, stretching. Element of service in, who in ‘service for’, and in service when, social media now, humanity needs in three times, in service to, in service for, in service of, which timing, seed in time, groups of future, the now destroying the ‘to be’, choosing in enabling, actions of re-moving,

WellSpring XLVII ~ Learning

Arriving composted, clear, creatively, swaying, clearer, clearest, satisfied. Lineage learning, rope of holding, confusion and chaos, safe navigating, humanity learning, learning doing , lineage holding, line finding, musics in the musicality of humanity music, chaos as formative, family of healing, seeing the healing seeing, giving of the gifts in formality, other knowledges known, respectful contribution,

WellSpring XLVI ~ Presence

Arriving stunning, open, ruminating, misty-eyed, in detail, reflective. Connecting to holding, connecting with holding, finding in what we do, the doing for all, all find their doing, gaining in the all available from all, and the all available in each, dancing with no necessity for change, dancing with no expectation of change, doing ‘for, by,

WellSpring XLV ~ Renewal

Arriving naturally, attuning, easily, sniffly, pleasantly surprised, undecided. Present to renewal, cyclic renewal, generative renewal, refresh, restart, resuming, revisiting, replacing, renewal as four aspects, sufficiency, ongoing exploration, already knew, new knewing, holding others in sufficiency, changes receptivity, creation of sanctuary, inquiry into retreat, appropriate pacing, conducive conditions, coming sufficient, tuning up for the next iteration,