Tag Archives: Masterclass
The planning for the 12 Year Retreat continues and the composition and content is looking exciting. Following on from the input in the Survey (and at Wellspring), we now have some key components and fun activities. This post is to get your input and engagement for the proposed sessions and to ask about pacing at→
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There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
In April 2014 we sent out a Practitioner Survey to assist in the planning for the Apithology 10 Year Celebrations. We received 23 (of 24) responses and many informative (and supportive) inputs. At that time this affirmed the decision to proceed to organise the Event for the community. In preparation for our selection of the Masterclass sessions→
The 16th of October, 2014 marks the 10 year anniversary of the first apithology article. It is also the date we celebrate International Apithology Day and in 2014 there will be a special celebration. A combination of events are being curated for this period and will be held over the week Thursday 16 October, 2014→
In apithology folklore there is this reference to ‘Asking Three Times’. The reason for this convention is the practice of apithology means all of Apithology’s learnings are there for you. The reality, however, is that not all of it will be presently available to you (i.e. the fact of being able, ready, and willing – and what this means). Most→