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Category Archives: Meeting

Notes from meet-ups and notices of meetings

WellSpring XCVIII ~ Return

Arriving questioning, happy, cheerful, sunny, moved moving back to the point of origination, a generating moment, generative origins, reminding mind, holding reinforced, reinvigorated, renewed, daily practice, periodic return, starting again, refinding origin, returning differently, recoherencing, returning as self-renewing, bringing the passage to center, more available, a move available, illusion of narrative, already there, found by

WellSpring XCVII ~ Volition

Arriving pensive, scattered, happy, tentatively, humanly, voluntary, social convention, personal divinity, motivation, compulsion, volition, intention, to wish for, want wellbeing, free choicing, the entirely new, no expectation of benefit, to will into being, humanism, individualism, collectivism, vocation, beyond reason, before reason, within reasoning, choice between, choosing from, choicing as, quality of the chooser, as whom,

WellSpring XCVI ~ Lightness

Arriving weathered, resting, swaddled, dawned, wonderment, ebb and flow, pulse and rhythm, wintering as nourishment, less darkness preceding light, more the lightness of dark, resting as activity, pause as heavy lifting, holding restfully, restless dispersing, endarkenment as potency, withdrawal as enlightenment, past seasoned binaries, post oppositional preferencing, outrage becomes inreach, despondency becomes potency, atropy as

WellSpring XCV ~ Dramaturgy

Arriving splendid, rested, smiling, fusing, nested, imagining humanity in plain sight, theatre of the reveal, storytelling, dialogue unfolding, suspension of rebuttals, experiencing of portrayals, allowing of experience, staging as acceptance, witnessing as privilege, playing out without interjection, no demand on attendance, receptivity into humanness, quality of attentiveness, submission to theatrics,  relationship to and distance from,

WellSpring XCIV ~ Timeliness

Arriving crisply, exposed, melbourned, accordingly, relieved, time and duration, timeliness, window of time, windows into time, cyclic recurrence, conceived and perceived, apithology time, glimpses of potentials, changes of temporal perception, aesthetic of temporal horizons, not return, not remembering, not reoccurring, arising from re-siding, continual re-occurring, quality of conditions, seasons as reasons, conditionality as potentiality, reciprocity

WellSpring XCIII ~ Residing

Arriving refreshed, familied, buoyed. seeded, still (persistent), humans experiencing, humanity in firstness, apithology as non-attainment, coming to is coming from, approaching the mirrored sphere, using mind to gain originality, not a finding, not under a rock, already presenced as, not curiosity or intrigue, looking for in, residing as with for, re-siding to, quality of whereness,

WellSpring XCII ~ Aptitude

Arriving breezily, reflective, bedazzled, aptitude, unlike attitudes, habit, proclivity, propensity, more than skilfulness, more than expertise, less than inherent latency, humanity capacity, species extension, sought to discover, sorted by category, violence of metrics, discernment as division, operant inside humans, manifest as a humanity, inherent in humans, inherency in a humanity, latency in contingency, human skill

WellSpring XCI ~ Seasons

Arriving appreciative, logically, auntying, cleansed, seasonality of humanity, focality of attention, human drive for natural times, social behavioural agreements, animal diurnal, human seasonal, societal festival, humanity spatial, human context, humanity contextuals, cyclic nature of self-perception, epigenetic curves, generational envisaging, all hallows eves, contributors to emerging, humanity experiencing of cyclic becoming, virtual contexts all things being

WellSpring XC ~ Influencing

Arriving sliding, juggling, feeling, settled, tingling, pondering humanity aims, human aimlessness, wondering about becoming, influences as shaping, humanity unfolding, context as involvement, precision and pragmatism, inquiry as locating, distracting and objectifying, discerning human interpretings, potentials as narratings, role of humanity holders, noticing descriptions, relationship is perception, two contributions, knowing the knowing, new intimacy of feeling,

WellSpring LXXXIX ~ Hearing

Arriving gently, busied, empowered, restored – instruments of hearing, for humanity asking, hearing in our asking, static between frequencies, background noise from the stars, foreground noise from the humans, tuning in to an attunement, tuning in, tuning out, noise to screen out noise, pauses between movements, excessive attentioning, fragmenting attentiveness, resultant noisiness, short [attention] space,

WellSpring LXXXVIII ~ Aspiration

Arriving gently, just, breezily, integrated, aspiration, breath, imagination, suffocation, conceiving by exposure, pull by invitation, life as aspiration, living as respiration, doing as perspiration, reduction as exfoliation, decrease as exhalation, preparatory catalysation, inherent inclination, depletion of potentiation, exposure beyond, pushing into pull, re-invitation into inhalation, permission for asker, fixed growth assumption, rewarding efforting, encouraging uncomfort,

Practitioners 14Y Retreat – Preparations

This post outlines the format for our 14th Year Practice Retreat. It explains the design, the details, the structure, the required preparations – and (hints at) some more profound considerations. Design Considerations The retreat planning this year considered the 550 Modalities potentially available – and specifically the 200 that have been added since the planning

WellSpring LXXXVII ~ Resurgence

Arriving recreated, re-created, wondering, adjusting, crisply, seated, humanistic expression, vanishing of work, resurgence of appreciation, culture as forgetful, recognition of pattern, selection bias, hagiographic selectivity, humanity remembering, human valuing, revering re-discovering, difference in the work, different of narrationals, source speaking, humanity development, qualitative markers, is-ness of value, in service of culture of cultures, imbued recollection,

WellSpring LXXXVI ~ Assessing

Arriving chilly, warmed, patiently, joyful, socially, happy, objectively assessing, generative assessment, subjectively intending, desired and desirable outcomes, unknowing ‘outcoming’, assessing the viral generating, the get, got, begot and begatting, held tensions within possible potentiatings, generative as a trichotomy – of generating, generated, generations, assessing potentials realised, not expectations met, actuations actuated, not fictionals actual, social

WellSpring LXXXV ~ Dramatising

Arriving shakily, horticulturally, playfully, lotus lily-y, dramatic interest in conflict, drama in dissonance, stabilised recepts, generative interest, cultural expression, humanity narrative, attention to generation, longing for capability, resolution through catharsis, acting out life’s challenges, acting into apithology’s presences, staging, tension and venue differences, episodic visiting, contributing quality, struggle mindset, becoming recipient pathway, attraction of dissonance,

WellSpring LXXXIV ~ Inception

Arriving lottery lucky, gently, gently, snuggly, meditated, a sense of firstness, impulse experienced, feeding appropriately, without exploration, germination prior to cognition, tension of articulation, gentleness of arriving, presence to firstness, gentleness of secondness, reception for thirdness, unliteral descriptions, boundaries of self, interiorities of humanity, intersections of conversation, explorations of inceptionality, bumbling naturally, fumbling beautifully, humbling

WellSpring LXXXIII ~ Contexting

Arriving well, tense, waking, invigorated, expectant, knowing humanity, referencing outside human experience, tensions danced around, larger potential held, connected to a humanity, curious humans, uncurious humanity, bigger than ‘garden’, not being potentials telling, humanity as a context, relationship with context, relationships within context, separate to the context, the limit of asking within context, conversation with

WellSpring LXXXII ~ Tensionality

Arriving resolved, insided, pugilistic, arrived, lost, springing, quality of tension, generative tension, other tensions, anxious tensions, needy tensions, complacency tensions, assembly tensions, tensegrity, tension within me, tensions within humanity, being and becoming, holding in a river, holding as an ocean, being and differentiating, expressing in tension, within one held, not between things in time, expanding

WellSpring LXXXI ~ Truthing

Arriving mysteriously, waiting, calmly frenetic, looking at the loss of criticality of assumptions that inform desires, the questioning of assumptions of truth and rationality, the moving into more openness in the ways of knowing, truth in desire, truth as desire, desire for truth, optioning in the confusion, accepting of greater truths to guide accepting, collective

WellSpring LXXX ~ Balancing

Arriving saddened, neutralish, calm, grateful, sanguine, doing the humanity thing, celebrating doing well, critique of efforts, excitement in successes, disappointment in failures, dancing around the pole, dances in polarity, walking the balance beam, being wobbly, not being definite, tenuous balancing, context of humanity, humanity in contexts, potential for humans, more than human’s potentials, appropriate questions,