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Category Archives: Meeting

Notes from meet-ups and notices of meetings

WellSpring XLIII ~ Remarkableness

Arriving as: preoccupied, stalled, arriving, cosy, engaged. generative minds, contracted learnings, leaning into, other ways of being, contracting, contracted, contractive, what happened, what happens, what could happen, locating context, history of learning, in the learners learning, context as history, container as new-mystery, learning as motivation, within capacity for engagement, supportive community, pacing of practice, labelling

WellSpring XLI ~ Seasons

Arriving eager, appreciatively, appreciation, lemonade-fizzing, rejoiceful, rattled, reflective, dancing on marbles. Growing a practice, growing humanity practice, bold, audacious, courageous, big-picture-taking-in, respectful of history, ten days, months, years (decades), evocation of timeless landscapes, punctuation by seasons, markers of energies, foods, journeys, staging for all, the ‘as-ness’ of choicing, humans doing human business, humanity noticing humanity’s

WellSpring XL ~ Grounding

Arriving  still, watchfully, curious, inquisitively, balancing-wobbly, invigorated, engaged, well-rested. Appreciation expressed, participation reflected, who to become, who is becoming, centered, presenced, subtle-strength, returning, recognisable, not explained, more questions, less answers, inquiry of direction, sense of sufficiency, getting you nothing, drawn not driven, who is dependent, witnessing entering, being together as, deepening motivation, different ground, bare-feet

10Y Event – Encompassing

Our celebratory meeting has now concluded and for those unable to attend this coming together of the past (and next) decades of practice, here is a brief summary of the activities and inquiries completed (on behalf of all). Thank you for your exquisite attendance, tending, and attendings. Ten Year Celebratory Dinner The formal address at

WellSpring XXXIX ~ Sufficiency

Arriving as peaceful, reflective, appreciatively, replete, gently; presencing enablement of practitioners, enabling practice, practicing enabling, supporting supporting, supporting arriving as, arriving as sufficiency, the ‘trifecta of inconvenience’, compelling impulse, for humanity, in sufficiency, abundance as overflowing, flowing wastefully, requiring returns of energy, demand deficiency, sufficiency for, abundance of, zero sum game, net life gains, lack

WellSpring XXXVIII

Arriving grateful, delighted, drifting forward, pleased, preparing, gently, quietly, befuddled, sleepy. What is the question we might hold for the 10Y Event? What is of greatest service the event can be to humanity? If the event is to evoke contribution, in what way can that be sustainable carried forward for practitioners? If we are ‘already’,

WellSpring XXXVII ~ Timings

Arriving rested, liberated, happy, sparkling, ruffled, pleasantly surprised. Curious about time, obsessions in planning and momentary presencing, conceptions of time, distortions of time, states of time, kronos as the opportune, kairos as the opportunity,  quantity of time, quality of time, missing the point (in time), missing the point (of timing), timing and timeliness, conscious opportunity,

WellSpring XXXVI ~ Brilliance

Arriving good, learning, energised, receptive, rushed, rock-pool-like. Fire inside, energy excited, tempered, working in the fire, being formed against, cohere-ing and re-cohering, malleable, yet strong, heat-able, for transmutation, consuming fire, offering into the fire, wood chips maintaining, heat and light, or glow and brilliance, purification, inspiration, working with, fitting together, melding and molding, others to

WellSpring XXXIV ~ Spaciousness

Arriving as happy, reflective, emanating, slow but steady, sensationally, vigilant … holding the tension around apithology informed as apithology of life practices, a mind that views ‘a mind’ as a practice, relating as being un-formed informing, exploring as inquiry into, what ‘criteria’ is utilized when practicing a practice in directing my edge of knowing how

WellSpring XXXIII ~ Empathy

Arriving grateful, pensive, delighted, energised, appreciative, joyously. Layers of wonderment evolving, tensions of individualism, individual in the collective, in the context of unfolding of the whole, oneness aspect, me a part of,  all a part of me, empathy in connection, sympathy of the unsympathetic, where is the location,  not of the suffering everywhere, rather a

WellSpring XXXII ~ Comforting

Arriving as content, inquiring, tranquil, present, rested, subdued, grateful. Transforming, contributing, communicating quality, restfulness of protecting, offering as presence to the emerging, being at peace, seeing what is happening, disconcerting in aligning, the naturalness of disgrace, the ‘good garden’, being and becoming the good gardener, offering from discomfort, seeking comforting, lack of requirement to change,

WellSpring XXIX ~ Choosing

Arriving charged, contemplative, generous, grateful, muffled. Seeking conditions conducive to happiness, virtues of conviction,  legacies of action, long-nows and waitings, passion and risking, change and changing, being ready to release, is there a moment of letting go, renunciation of the declining, allowing the leaving of landscapes, familiars and habits, following one’s guidance, choice to committing,

WellSpring XXVIII ~ Happiness

Arriving as: Full, blissed, happy, tired, in healthy tension, just. Curiosity about, inquiring and helping, setting intention, depth of holding, threads of life living life, what should an inquirer be doing, how should an inquirer be being, happiness as purposefulness, the ethics of intervention, the ethicality of non-intervening, where does the purposefulness come from, unfolding

WellSpring XXVII ~ Learning

Arriving: joyfully, giddy, feeling with toes on the ground, quadrification, confused and uncertain, learning about learning, learning about learners, learning about learning about learners learning, transformation learning, releasing of seeds, seeing conceptions, conceptions of learning, information gathering, repetitive experiences, lifelong experiencing, evolution as learning, evolution is learning, learning with environment, learning despite environment, grandchild enabling,

WellSpring XXVI ~ Circling

Arriving as: Peaceful from being guided, just like spring(ish), scattered…centering prayer-fullness, pleasant surrounds surrounding dampness, fertility emerging with warm hands, co-working unfolding, becoming pollinated as co-creativity, a season of new possibilities ‘sprouting’, seasonal transition = allowance for something to grow, ripen, mature (or marinate) into a nextness, adjusting into a new skin, a freshness in

WellSpring XXV ~ Receiving

Arriving: Rested, cost, crunchy, scrambled, curious, mosaiced. Caring for the garden, leaving some things un-curated,  asking for caring, waiting for recognising, the tiredness of doing the requesting for resting, with the requestee waiting for one’s returning, expansiveness of receiving of the giving as a practice of greater giving, the apithology of giving of self that

WellSpring XXIV ~ Wonder

Arriving: Surprised, serene, anticipating, quietly effervescent, mulching, munching, wellspringing. Two years of continuous bringing and gifting, coming together in unknowing, letting the microbes break things down, old conditioning, becomes conditioned, mulched as nurtrician, mulching as renewing, mulch as the affected ~ and the affecting, what is enabling of formation, what is the information for the

WellSpring XXIII ~ Seeing

Arriving: Glimpsing growing anticipation, joyful, exuberant, balancing-off-balance, preventative, curious. Foggy day, attentiveness, close-activity, changing acuity, staying closer, seeing through the fog~ differently, clouds of unknowing, being in a fug and not seeing it, seeing others in a fog and not doing anything with it, yogas of ethics, non-violences on meaning, truthfulness in meaningfulness, if we