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WellSpring XLIII ~ Remarkableness

Arriving as: preoccupied, stalled, arriving, cosy, engaged. generative minds, contracted learnings, leaning into, other ways of being, contracting, contracted, contractive, what happened, what happens, what could happen, locating context, history of learning, in the learners learning, context as history, container as new-mystery, learning as motivation, within capacity for engagement, supportive community, pacing of practice, labelling

WellSpring XLII ~ Parenting

Arriving as: Intrigued, excited, in wonderment, bliss and blessed, artfully, in sufficiency, reflective, purposeful, automagically. Expressing gratitude, paternalism, maternalism, generative humanism, cultural expressions of caring, quality beyond male/female, masculine/feminine, maternalism/paternalism, matrilineal/patrilineal, the change as the child arises, finding ‘it takes a village’, a spectra of genders, a community of parents, a connection of carers, a