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WellSpring XLI ~ Seasons

Arriving eager, appreciatively, appreciation, lemonade-fizzing, rejoiceful, rattled, reflective, dancing on marbles. Growing a practice, growing humanity practice, bold, audacious, courageous, big-picture-taking-in, respectful of history, ten days, months, years (decades), evocation of timeless landscapes, punctuation by seasons, markers of energies, foods, journeys, staging for all, the ‘as-ness’ of choicing, humans doing human business, humanity noticing humanity’s

WellSpring XL ~ Grounding

Arriving  still, watchfully, curious, inquisitively, balancing-wobbly, invigorated, engaged, well-rested. Appreciation expressed, participation reflected, who to become, who is becoming, centered, presenced, subtle-strength, returning, recognisable, not explained, more questions, less answers, inquiry of direction, sense of sufficiency, getting you nothing, drawn not driven, who is dependent, witnessing entering, being together as, deepening motivation, different ground, bare-feet

10Y Event – Encompassing

Our celebratory meeting has now concluded and for those unable to attend this coming together of the past (and next) decades of practice, here is a brief summary of the activities and inquiries completed (on behalf of all). Thank you for your exquisite attendance, tending, and attendings. Ten Year Celebratory Dinner The formal address at

WellSpring XXXIX ~ Sufficiency

Arriving as peaceful, reflective, appreciatively, replete, gently; presencing enablement of practitioners, enabling practice, practicing enabling, supporting supporting, supporting arriving as, arriving as sufficiency, the ‘trifecta of inconvenience’, compelling impulse, for humanity, in sufficiency, abundance as overflowing, flowing wastefully, requiring returns of energy, demand deficiency, sufficiency for, abundance of, zero sum game, net life gains, lack