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NewSpring 101 ~ Transitions

Arriving curious, adoring, also curious, organised, shift in the seasons, changes in humanity, breathing as seeding, inquiry into the form of inquiry, asking ‘What is needed at this time?’, an allowance that enables a holding of unknowing, allowance for children to pay forward to future potentials, being interested and invested, no expectation of returns, as

Humanity Inquiry ~ Five Forms

Arising from the convening of the Apithology 15 Year retreat was a consolidation of the essences of the present forms of humanity inquiry. For completeness …and to prompt a discussion of what form of inquiry is invited by the next invitation from apithology, here are their descriptions. Additionally, there is a transcription of the 15Y

WellSpring C ~ Love

Arriving playful, delighted, whimsical, soft, whirl pooling, holding love, as connection, commonality, empathy, unity, involving humans, holding of potentiation of the potential, as love, not for other, but as potential, in a humanity, for humanity becoming, as humanity actualising, with all humaness in three times expressing, reflections within, not reflection of self onto, more than

WellSpring XCIX ~ Fluxing

Arriving ruminating, hmph, pulled, industrialised, relinquished, reviewing, flux and flow, in locations of confinement, peace requiring turmoil, pause isolated, frenzy connected, from where seen, by who described, systems of separating, capacities for ignoring, system within systems, closed not isolated, presence as influence, no non-relevance, presence always present, radically inclusive, causation elusive, implications for trichotomies, inquiry