Learning Together (In Speech)
A community of practice provides a place to discover personal expressions in the companionship of people with similar visions and ambitions. To deepen their learning many have completed a course together focussed on enacting the generative. What makes this experience special is a humanity-level inquiry into one’s own area of practice.
A Community of Practice ~ enabling the health of the whole
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Practical Steps (In Body)
Seeing what apithology in practice looks like in the world is amazing. The expressions are as diverse as the uniquenesses of the human spirit. From the learnings of a single child to the active transformation of natural systems, apithology has applications as remarkable as the people who decide to use it.
Learning Together (In Speech)
A community of practice provides a place to discover personal expressions in the companionship of people with similar visions and ambitions. To deepen their learning many have completed a course together focussed on enacting the generative. What makes this experience special is a humanity-level inquiry into one’s own area of practice.
Generative Thinking (In Mind)
The development of a field of inquiry requires attention to new ways of thinking. By learning together we are discovering ways to approach uncommon questions to find unfound answers. The inquiry into the generative involves knowledgeable exploring of what is as yet unknown. This is a way for people to learn to open into unknowing.