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WellSpring LXXIX ~ Timeliness

Arriving beginning, fully, arriving, grateful, spaciously – patient in a system, systems of care, care of patience, timing and timeliness, sensing of connection, timing of next step, noting where is the turn, turning to the turning, more than process and procedure, non-assuming of placement, daily attendancing, one-off attendance, orchestration, orchestralisation, allowing grieving, senses of sensing,

WellSpring LXXVII ~ Sweeping

Arriving watered, shed, attentively, greenly, trying, shedding possessions, skilful sweeping, raising fish, necessity of retention, intra-generational discarding, worthiness of time, brazing copper, texting greetings, culture as knowledge, humanity necessity, receptivity to learn, ritualising tensions, discerning instructing, child-like imitation, cultural reliability, evolution is draconian, culture convenient, apithology enablement, moving past, bringing with, integration of, assessment of

Beyond Human Learning ~ Generative Apithagogy

There have already been many benefits from our inquiry into the generative learning designs for Apitholo ~ The Center for Humanity Learning. Because that forum is for a different outcome, it asks some different questions about what is happening for humans when they do learning. In recently reading the current leading thinkers on learning theory,

WellSpring LXXVI ~ Attending

Arriving polyphonically, invigorated, liberated, anticipatory, tentatively, erratically, experiencing humour, recognition of humility, prolonged reflection, human responding, uncrossing a snake’s path, unwell enough for what, noting the nature of, attentiveness to attending, locating discerning, ways of holding, softening pre-suppositions, virtue as a defence to grace, dropping from self-centrism, beginning with humanitism, including while expanding, the embrace